Monday, December 1, 2003

A note in the church newsletter regarding retirement

(Although the following is not a sermon, I thought it appropriate to include within the blog. This is a section of a newsletter written by David Remington. - DAR)

CONSIDERING MY DEPARTURE FROM ST. JOHN’S, I do thank all of you for the love you have given to me, and my family. I am thankful too for the challenging times, and your patience. They made me think, re-consider, calm-down, and reclaim a touch of humility. It has been a long, healthy, and wonderful ministry that we have shared. Throughout the ages, God has led his people through the successive work of faithful leaders. From Moses to Joshua leading the Israelites into the Promised Land, from Elijah’s departure in a fiery chariot to Elisha’s miracles, from Jesus’ glorious ascension to the pentecostal experience and the succession of apostles and followers, down through the ages, the Church of God has continued its work inviting people into The Kingdom of God. Even though I am relinquishing my leadership of St. John’s Parish, you can be sure of God’s Presence to bring a successor who will lead you in the future. Keep drinking from the same cup. Keep washing one another’s feet. Seek justice, and walk humbly with God. Pray for your Parish Leaders and for your ability to accept the inevitable changes that will come. I wish you all a blessed and an affectionate farewell.
David +

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